Keton Aktiv Reviews

A famous nutritionist told about an innovative method of weight loss: now everyone has the opportunity to transform their body without harming the body!


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Being overweight is not only an aesthetic problem, but also often entails a danger to health and a full life. For a long time this has been a confirmed fact, every physician claims this. However, those who have faced excessive body weight, as no one else, knows that it is not so easy to get rid of this problem. Especially if the extra pounds are not two or three, but more than a dozen.

Science does not stand still, and nowadays everyone can LOSE weight without any side effects. In 2019, there was a real breakthrough in the field of dietetics: methods have been developed to influence the process of fat accumulation in the body, which have no side effects on our body. With the new method, the process of losing weight becomes not only possible, but also requires a minimum of your efforts.

We asked a renowned nutritionist and specialized doctor for more information about this innovative technique, meet Prof. Sophia Romano.

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Sophia Romano

– Hello Professor! Can you please tell us what is ketosis and how to start the process of burning fat naturally?

– With great pleasure! When your body stops obtaining energy from carbohydrates, it goes into a state of ketosis after 7–10 days. A carbohydrate deficiency forces your subcutaneous fat to turn into energy. The main source of energy for the brain and the entire body during ketosis is the ketone bodies formed in the liver. Ketone bodies are a group of metabolic products synthesized in the liver.

During dieting, our body gradually switches from getting energy from food to getting energy from ketone bodies. To synthesize ketone bodies, the body breaks down stored fatty tissue.

As a result, stagnant fat deposits disappear and you get a slimmer body.

– You argue that with the ketogenic diet, a person can spontaneously lose weight regardless of their eating habits. However, I came across information that carbohydrates should be eliminated from the diet to trigger ketogenesis. Can you explain this point to me?

– In fact, there is no contradiction. The fact is that the ketogenic diet itself is very difficult and hard for the body to tolerate. That is, complete exclusion of carbohydrates in order to start ketogenesis in the body is an extremely serious test for the body, which can hardly be passed by anyone. In any case, we can overcome it only if we find ourselves on a desert island with nothing to eat. It is impossible to follow a perfect ketogenic diet in everyday life.

However, experts have taken this into account and developed a solution. The fact is that ketogenic bodies are produced not only by the human liver. These substances, or rather their analogs in terms of the effect they have, are present in some plants. In 2017, Israeli nutritionists made an important discovery: it is possible to produce ketogenic bodies using extracts of some plants! In other words, I want to reiterate once again: in order to lose weight with the help of ketogenesis, it is not necessary to give up carbohydrates or change something in your usual diet.

Losing weight through ketogenesis is always a good idea because it combines highly effective results with practical simplicity. All you need to do is to add ketogenic bodies to your food. In other words, take a certain capsule containing ketones every day. Once in the bloodstream, they will perform the same function as the ketogenic bodies produced in the human liver. More precisely: breaking down fat deposits for the entire body.

The longer you take ketones, the more extra pounds you lose. In fact, ketones get rid of fat autonomously and spontaneously. Imagine, for example, some fat accumulated on a plate. Pour dishwashing detergent on this mass. The grease begins to dissolve. Of course, this is a crude comparison. However, the same thing happens organically. And it’s a working process.

I want to show you some photos of my clients who lost weight with the help of ketogenesis. I show the most difficult cases: before taking ketones, these people were not able to lose weight neither with the help of diets, nor with the help of exhausting workouts.

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Sarah. Before: 235 lbs. After: 123 lbs

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Laura. Before: 212 lbs. After: 105 lbs.

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Catherine. Before: 105 lbs. After: 54 lbs

There is one more important thing: this method is not only safe, but also beneficial for the body. You feel healthier even before the weight loss starts.

– Tell us about this innovative development, how does it work?

  • Currently, there is only one supplement containing ketogenic bodies of plant origin. The product is called Keton Aktiv. Currently, this complex is used by 80% of nutritionists, as it provides fast and easy weight loss. It is these capsules that most experts recommend in most cases.
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Keton Aktiv

It takes your body 7–10 days to reach ketosis. Keton Aktiv increases and maintains the level of ketones in the blood, stimulating the state of ketosis and thus helping to break down fat more efficiently. It improves your body’s adaptation to the diet, minimizing the likelihood of straying from the established diet.

Calcium hydroxymethylbutyrate (calcium HMB)Stimulates the production of ketone bodies, helps accelerate fat burning.L-carnitineIncreases fatty acid oxidation, promotes fat absorption into muscle and prevents new fat accumulation.CLA or conjugated linoleic acidSuppresses appetite by reducing food intake and calorie intake in the body.Rhodiola rosea rhizomes extractIncreases mental performance during periods of emotional and physical stress.LysineReduces spikes in the stress hormone cortisol that can occur during dieting.LeucineHelps stabilize blood sugar levels.

I want to show you the results of a trial of this remedy. The study involved 900 obese volunteers. All of them took a full course of Keton Aktiv.

Test results:

  • 18% of respondents report weight loss of 22lbs or more.
  • 77% of respondents report weight loss of 11–22 lbs.
  • 4% of respondents report weight loss of less than 11 lbs.
  • 1% of respondents report no weight loss at all.
  • 98% report improved skin and less cellulite.
  • 100% of those tested report normalization of biochemical processes in blood.
  • 100% of those tested report complete absence of contraindications and addiction.

As you can see, Keton Aktiv helps just about everyone. Anyone who takes it will definitely lose weight. The product can be taken both when you are obese (when excess weight threatens your health) and when you have a few extra pounds, when, for example, you want to lose weight for the holidays.

– Where can I purchase Keton Aktiv and how much does it cost?

– The easiest way is to order Keton Aktiv on the official website of the manufacturer, with delivery by courier or mail throughout the country.

As I said, losing weight with the help of ketogenic diet is extremely fashionable today and therefore there are many fakes of Keton Aktiv, which do not give any results: for this reason, I recommend ordering capsules only on the official website of the manufacturer! Only on this site you can buy the original product.

By the way, there is a super promotion on the site right now: Keton Aktiv can be bought at a very nice price! Only I want to warn you right away: as far as I know, the manufacturer has promoted only a small batch of certified product, which quickly runs out. Therefore, if you want to order Keton Aktiv at a price much lower than the usual cost, you need to leave a request as soon as possible, while there are still certified promotional packs available.

Official website of Keton Aktiv


The remedy is really amazing. I have been taking the capsules for a long time. However, the main weight loss happened very quickly:)

Thanks for the helpful interview! Very interesting. I ordered the capsules immediately after reading it. I’ve heard about the ketogenic diet for a long time, but didn’t know there were capsules containing ketones!

These capsules are great! I confirm definitely! I couldn’t lose weight for 10 years! I tried everything: I gave up bad habits, did sports, did strict diets and nothing brought results. But as soon as I started taking Keton Aktiv, the extra pounds disappeared within a few months. Now I am thin, healthy and sexy!

Thank you for such an eye opening revelation! I’ve placed an order!

A friend told me about these capsules. She managed to lose 30lbs in a few months. She did not exercise, did not starve and did not change her lifestyle. Now she looks just great. She even plans to get married for the third time:))))

I lost 44 pounds. But at the same time I was running and working out at the gym, because I didn’t know where to put my energy. Before, men wouldn’t even look at me, now I hear compliments every day. It’s so nice… My photos.

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I too have tried Keton Aktiv and my opinion is extremely positive. I weighed 216 pounds, now I weigh 147. I am ecstatic.

I read the specifications of Keton Aktiv on the said website. Finally, the experts have come up with something worthwhile!

I read the specifications of Keton Aktiv on the said website. Finally, the experts have come up with something worthwhile!

I want to try this! Ordered.

My husband and I decided to lose weight together. A nutritionist recommended us the capsules: at that time it had just appeared on the market. Now we are thin, we have lost a total of 90lbs, we lead a healthy lifestyle. Being skinny is awesome!

All my friends are talking about this Keton Aktiv. Many of them have lost weight only thanks to these capsules. I’m thinking of joining their club!:)

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